
Mike and I had to make a video game purchase at GameStop in Copley, and afterwards we went to Men-Tei, a ramen place by Hynes.

gyoza gyoza

shoyu chashu ramen shoyu chashu ramen After eating a lot of instant noodles here in Boston, I've been longing for some of the ramen I had while I was in Sapporo over the summer (pictured on the nav bar to the left)... Of course, I knew there was no way to satisfy the craving on this side of the planet. Men-Tei was pretty good... of course a step up from instant noodles. The noodles were notably better, though not spectacular. The soup and the pork left something to be desired though. The gyoza was alright... Skin is a bit thicker and firmer than usual. Tampopo in SF is better all around, but Men-Tei is still the best I've had in Boston.