Maria's Pastry Shop

This isn't exactly a whole meal, but I thought I should post about it anyway. After our meal at Antico Forno, we did walk around the North End a bit. Anyone who's visited knows about the popular Italian bakeries in the area. Mike's Pastry is easily the most famous and quite a tourist destination. A lesser-known gem is Maria's Pastry Shop, which is a few blocks away and not quite as near the main North End action.

cannoli with ricotta filling - $1-2? (forgot to take note of it) I must say that Maria's indeed puts out a better cannoli than Mike's. The shell was like a delicious cookie, and filled to order with the ricotta. The filling is superb - rich, creamy, and at the same time even a bit refreshing. Everyone always heads straight to Mike's for cannolis. I urge you all to give Maria's a try next time...