
Wow, I'm so far behind. Still got a few things from SF. Haven't been eating anything interesting in Boston though, so I should get caught up soon. Here are pics from Milano in SF... always a reliable Italian place. Went with my mom, the Chus, Auntie Margie, and Auntie Cathy. Forgive the flash... couldn't get a picture without it.

hawaiian bigeye tuna carpaccio hawaiian bigeye tuna carpaccio

tonnarelli with porcini mushroom and sausage tonnarelli with porcini mushroom and sausage The tuna carpaccio was really good. The serving was unexpectedly large for a "carpaccio" - it was almost like pieces of sashimi. The black stuff is chopped olives and added some great flavor. The tonnarelli is the same as it's always been... I don't go to Milano enough to order anything else nowadays. Gotta get the tonnarelli when I can.